The FATOS2U project emerges in light of young citizens’ exposure to large-scale misinformation, including misleading or outright false information. It aims to enable young people to develop their critical thinking, strengthen democracy and fight manipulation, propaganda and fake news. In this context, it expects citizens to participate responsibly in matters of major social interest (e.g. COVID-19).
FATOS2U involves 5 partners (ASDPESO, XENIOS POLIS, GRIPEN EUROPE, Mine Vaganti and NGO Nest) from 5 different countries (Portugal, Greece, Romania, Italy and Germany).
The main objectives of the project are:
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UNIHEAL+ includes 7 partners (Center for Social Innovation, Fundación Ayesa, GRIPEN Europe, HOMO EMINENS, Innovation Training Center, PROLEPSIS, XENIOS POLIS) from 5 countries (Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Spain).
It aspires to address the needs of the health professionals for further skilling, re-and up skilling, with a specific Vocational Education and Training (VET) curriculum updated on further needs-centered skills building and adapted to labour market needs. UNIHEAL+ targets both the health professionals and their educators.
UNIHEAL+ takes into account the priorities of European agenda for digitizing health care. Therefore, the target groups will become familiar with the eHealth and mHealth solutions and possibilities, data analysis, computer literacy, medical devices compatibility, data protection programs, mobile applications, cloud storage, surfing internet, and the ability to read, understand and forward information using a smart device.
In this context, UNIHEAL+ aims to:
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The program aims to the enforcement of digital literacy of senior citizens and to cover the basic digital needs concerning the elderly.
Our partner countries in the program are the following:
By combining research, innovation and collaboration, our partners team promotes the following actions:
The “proADAS” program is open to organizations, institutions, municipalities and regions of the country and to anyone who wants to take part and get more information on these planned actions.
Discover more about PROADAS: (this project has been completed)
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The FENCE – Fighting gENder bias and Contributing in gender Equity – aims at gender bias practical mitigation through equality awareness and gender competence; the project’s context is in alliance with European Commission’s Gender Equality Policy, the ‘Strategy for Equality between women and men’, the EU Gender Policy, the Gender Equality in Horizon 2020.
FENCE’s roots have to do with the gender stereotyping which limits the development of the natural talents and abilities of women and men, as well as their educational and professional experiences and life opportunities in general.
Stereotypes and bias about gender can cause unequal and unfair treatment and cause personal or social perception reflections concerning for example personality traits, domestic behaviors, occupation and physical appearance; with all the discrimination and inequality they can cause against women, this realty demands for continuous and coordinated actions and training tools as a process to make different key-actors ‘gender empowered’ and ‘gender sensitive’.
The project includes 7 partners (CAD-COMMUNITY ACTION DACORUM, DOCUMENTA, PROGRAMMA INTEGRA, XPCSA, CSI, INOVA, GRIPEN) from 6 countries (UK, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Romania); it addresses empowerment and capacity building actions for individuals primarily as public staff in local authorities and public bodies, social affairs services, and NGOs and CSOs members, leaders, representatives working in the field of gender equality or human rights promotion; its objectives are:
to make specific key – actors (individuals) empowered on gender bias fighting through gender equality issues awareness, gender competence building, gender equality goals promotion; these individuals belong to both men and women groups
to create and deliver innovative products and training tools- as tailored needs learning resources – based on differentiation methodologies and adult education approaches
to empower them by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT and digitizing the quality of learning content
Discover more about FENCE:
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Cultural administration and sustainable development constitute one of the priorities in EU. The project CUBES – ‘CUltural administration Boosting with the Engagement of Sustainability for local communities’ – includes 9 partners (Homo Eminens – HE, MINDSHIFT, Sarajevo Meeting of Culture – SMOC, Xenios Polis, Culture, Science & Action – Xenios Polis, Center for Social Innovation – CSI, GRIPEN, NGOSC, University of Peloponnese, Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management-UOP, Assembly of European Regions-AER) from 7 countries (Lithuania, Portugal, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, and France).
CUBES derives from the need to create and disseminate know-how regarding the sustainable administration of tangible and intangible cultural resources in order to really empower all sectors of society to own and administer their cultural resources in sustainable ways, aiming at both cultural democracy and cultural sustainability.
The empowerment and actual involvement of different sectors in the governance of culture is still largely undeveloped; one reason for this is the lack of know-how that would enable the more active and knowledgeable involvement of local communities members in the sustainable administration of their heritage and cultural resources. This kind of empowerment of various sectors of society could further foster grassroots ownership of cultural assets, gradually enabling the administration of cultural heritage within a sustainability framework.
In this context, CUBES targets the local communities members, local authorities leaders representatives, public staff, NGOs CSOs, private public key-players in the cultural sector; its objectives are:
to empower local communities in the participating countries with knowledge and awareness on significant aspects of cultural administration and sustainable development
to provide target groups with all the necessary knowledge so that they can act as access point-role mentors in the local communities, taking up the responsibility of informing, guiding, mentoring as Boosters, now the other members of the communities in a series of cultural management sustainability framework
to give the chance to youth & women of these local communities to be in the leading and take the opportunity to be also these ‘boosters’ in their communities
to take advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT and digitize the quality of learning content as a driver for systematic change in cultural administration sustainability and for an increase in the quality of training
to create and deliver innovative products and training digital tools – as tailored needs learning resources – based on differentiation methodologies and adult education approaches.
Discover more about CUBES: