FATOS2U – 4th Newsletter
FATOS2U – 4th Newsletter
FATOS2U – 4th Press Release
FATOS2U – 4th press release
FATOS2U – 3rd Press Release
Transnational Project Meeting for FATOS2U in Braga, Portugal
TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGfor FATOS2U IN BRAGA, PORTUGAL On October 25, 2024, the final transnational meeting of the partners of the European program FATOS2U took place in Braga, Portugal. This project involves five organizations from five countries: ASDPESO (Portugal), XENIOS POLIS (Greece), GRIPEN EUROPE (Romania), MINE VAGANTI (Italy), and NGO NEST BERLIN (Germany). During the meeting, […]
Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA) for FATOS2U in Braga, Portugal
Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA)for FATOS2U in Braga, Portugal From October 21 to 23, 2024, a three-day training seminar (Learning Teaching Training Activity – LTTA) took place in Braga, Portugal, as part of the European program FATOS2U. This program involves five organizations from five different countries: ASDPESO (Portugal), XENIOS POLIS (Greece), GRIPEN EUROPE (Romania), MINE […]
Final Conference for FATOS2U in Braga, Portugal
Final Conference for FATOS2U in Braga, Portugal On October 24, 2024, the Final Conference of the European program FATOS2U took place in Braga, Portugal. This program involves five organizations from five different countries: ASDPESO (Portugal), XENIOS POLIS (Greece), GRIPEN EUROPE (Romania), MINE VAGANTI (Italy), and NGO NEST BERLIN (Germany). All partners presented the organizations they […]
Transnational Project Meeting for G-FORCE in Viterbo, Italy
Transnational project meeting forG-FORCE in viterbo, italy The 2nd Transnational Meeting of the “G-FORCE” project took place on 7-8 October 2024, in Viterbo, Italy, at the University of Tuscia. Representatives from the partner organizations – Panteion University (Greece), University of Tuscia (Italy), XENIOS POLIS (Greece), University of Cadiz (Spain), RESET LTD (Greece) and GRIPEN EUROPE […]
Transnational Project Meeting for FATOS2U in Athens, Greece
Transnational project meetingfor fatos2u in athens, greece GRIPEN EUROPE participated in the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of FATOS2U -Media Education and News Literacy to yoUth against FAKE news reception and implicatiOnS – which took place in Athens on 24-25 July 2024. The meeting was hosted by the partner organisation XENIOS POLIS (GREECE) and […]
Newsletter FATOS2U – JUNE 2024
NEWSLETTER fatos2u – june 2024
Transnational Project Meeting for GFORCE project in Cadiz, Spain
Transnational Project Meetingfor GFORCE project in cadiz, Spain The University of Cadiz had a successful Transnational Project Meeting for the GFORCE initiative on the 4th and 5th of April. The meeting was attended by representatives from each of the partners: Greece, Spain, Romania, Romania, Italy and Cyprus. A member of the research team and representative […]
Transnational Project Meeting for GreenO2 project in Cadiz, Spain
Transnational Project Meetingfor GREENO2 project in Cadiz, Spain The University of Cadiz had a successful Transnational Project Meeting for the GreenO2 initiative on April 4 and 5. Attending the meeting were representatives from each of the partners: Greece, Italy, Spain, Poland, and Ukraine. A member of the research team and representative of GRIPEN EUROPE, presented […]
Newsletter UNIHEAL+ (January, 2024)
Newsletter UNIHEAL+ (JANUARY, 2024)
UNIHEAL+ Multiplier Event organized by GRIPEN EUROPE IN Bucharest- Romania,(December 2023)
UNIHEAL+: Contextualizing UNIversal HEALth resilience through health professionals’ reskilling for digital health services provision Press Release, (December 2023) UNIHEAL+ Multiplier Event organized by GRIPEN EUROPE IN Bucharest- Romania GRIPEN EUROPE recently hosted a two-day event in Bucharest, Romania, on the critical topic of digital skills in the healthcare sector. The event, held on December 18-19, […]
Gripen Europe in the Middle East
Gripen Europe in the Middle East Euroergasiaki, XENIOS POLIS, and GRIPEN EUROPE are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the “Strive to Be Greater” conference, held on December 7, 8, and 9, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The event focused on exploring the transformative power of digital technologies and gamification tools in the […]
GREENO2, 1st Press Release, November 2023
About the project The GREENO2 project seeks to encourage green roofs as sustainable hubs for research, community involvement, and environmental awareness within urban universities. This initiative aligns with the European Green Deal’s recognition of universities’ pivotal role in engaging students and the broader community for a more sustainable future. GREENO2 is guided by the European […]
Newsletter UNIHEAL+ (June, 2023)
Newsletter uniheal+ (jUne, 2023)
Newsletter Fatos2U (January, 2023)
Newsletter fatos2u (january, 2023)
Newsletter UNIHEAL+ (November, 2022)
Newsletter Uniheal+ (November, 2022)
KoM FATOS2U: 13/09/2022 – Online meeting
Online meeting 13/09/2022- FATOS2U A new European project began in September 2022 “FATOS2U – Media Education and News Literacy to yoUth against FAke news recepTion and implicatiOnS”.A project with great prospects against manipulation, propaganda and fake newsKoM was held online on 13/09/2022. FATOS2U includes 6 partners (ASDPESO, CSI CENTER FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION, Xenios Polis. Culture, […]
Virtual event “New Ideas for New Opportunities”
Virtual event “New Ideas for New Opportunities” Gripen Europe was very pleased to attend the Virtual event “New Ideas for New Opportunities”. Special thanks to CPIP – The Center for promoting lifelong learning (Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente) for the organization!
3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM): FENCE
3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM): FENCE The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of FENCE – Fighting gENder bias and Contributing in gender Equity occurred virtually, due to COVID-19 restrictions, on March 4th and 5th. More specifically, the consortium discussed about the modules of the FENCE Curriculum, the Policy Book and the upcoming dissemination and sustainability activities. […]
2nd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM): CUBES
2nd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM): CUBES The Second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of CUBES project– ‘CUltural administration Boosting with the Engagement of Sustainability for local communities’ was supposed to take place in Athens, but happened virtually οn May 14th 2020, due to the temporary COVID-19 travel restrictions. After the completion of IO1 – the ‘Review […]
Kick-off Meeting (KoM) -FENCE
Kick-off Meeting (KoM) -FENCE Fighting gENder bias and Contributing in gender Equity Kick-off Meeting, 16-17 December 2019, Lavrion, Greece. FENCE’s objectives concern gender equality and promote the development of both men and women accordingly to their natural traits and talents. In context of this promising European program, the creation of innovative training tools for adult educators […]
KOM CUBES CUltural administration Boosting with the Engagement of Sustainability for local communities Kick-off Meeting, Friday, 25 October 2019, Lisbon, Portugal Collaboration with all the partners below: 1. Assembly of European Regions, France2. Center for Social Innovation, Cyprus3. Gripen Europe, Romania4. Homo Eminens, Lithuania5. MINDSHIFT, Portugal6. NGOSC, Cyprus7. Sarajevo Meeting of Culture, Bosnia Herzegovina8. University […]
Research for a Blue Growth. Maritime Cultural Heritage.
Research for a Blue Growth. Maritime Cultural Heritage. “Digital emergence and educational exploitation of the Maritime Cultural Heritage· the case of ancient shipwrecks” Academic paper to EuroMed19 (25-27/09/2019)
“Culture, Digital media and entrepreneurship: from Digitization to Gamification”
“Culture, Digital media and entrepreneurship: from Digitization to Gamification” On May 18th and 19th 2018, Gripen Europe participated in the project “Culture, digital media and entrepreneurship: from Digitization to Gamification” which was organized by Xenios Polis in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunication and Media, the Cardet – Promotion Center for Research and […]