Transnational Project Meeting
for GFORCE project in cadiz, Spain

The University of Cadiz had a successful Transnational Project Meeting for the GFORCE initiative on the 4th and 5th of April. The meeting was attended by representatives from each of the partners: Greece, Spain, Romania, Romania, Italy and Cyprus. Elena Tsintari, member of the research team and representative of GRIPEN EUROPE at the meeting, presented the design of work package 3. GRIPEN is the leader of this package and will deliver THE G-FORCE Digital Toolset.

This includes:

  • the creation of the project website,
  • the development of a learning environment and the digitisation of the training material,
  • the development of an AI+ environment; and
  • the creation of 2 mobile apps.

In order to counteract gender bias, the GFORCE project aims:

  • to Equip academic staff and students in higher education, representing all gender groups; this will be accomplished through building capacity on gender issues, promoting gender equality objectives, and raising gender awareness.
  • to offer state-of-the-art goods and teaching aids that function as needs-based learning materials and lay the groundwork for future graduate and postgraduate programs.
  • give them more authority by utilizing the advantages of ICT and digitizing excellent educational materials.
  • create the G-FORCE Al+ AI Competence and Networking Center, a digital resource that provides specialized, individualized knowledge on matters pertaining to gender equality, such as sexual harassment, violence, and discrimination against women.