Transnational Project Meeting
for GREENO2 project in Cadiz, Spain

The University of Cadiz had a successful Transnational Project Meeting for the GreenO2 initiative on April 4 and 5. Attending the meeting were representatives from each of the partners: Greece, Italy, Spain, Poland, and Ukraine. Elena Tsintari, member of the research team and representative of GRIPEN EUROPE, presented the idea for the design of the AI+ digital support centre and the design of an application for mobile phones.


The GreenO2 initiative, which aspires to establish sustainable centers for research, participation, environmental consciousness, and O2 generation within higher education institutions using green roofs, seeks to:

  • Encourage the use of green roofs in higher education as the academic community’s solution to environmental preservation, engagement, and well-being.
  • Educate people about the environment by offering a massively open online course (MOOC) on green roofing that can be accessed through the constantly updated EduOpen platform.
  • Promote the use of the green roof as a location for studies, research, environmental awareness, recreation, etc.


GREENO2 website