UNIHEAL+ includes 7 partners (Center for Social Innovation, Fundación Ayesa, GRIPEN Europe, HOMO EMINENS, Innovation Training Center, PROLEPSIS, XENIOS POLIS) from 5 countries (Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Spain).

It aspires to address the needs of the health professionals for further skilling, re-and up skilling, with a specific Vocational Education and Training (VET) curriculum updated on further needs-centered skills building and adapted to labour market needs. UNIHEAL+ targets both the health professionals and their educators.

UNIHEAL+ takes into account the priorities of European agenda for digitizing health care. Therefore, the target groups will become familiar with the eHealth and mHealth solutions and possibilities, data analysis, computer literacy, medical devices compatibility, data protection programs, mobile applications, cloud storage, surfing internet, and the ability to read, understand and forward information using a smart device.

In this context, UNIHEAL+ aims to:

  • identify the significance of digital health services deriving from the recent health situation/emergency and the dominance of the ICT context in personal and professional life,
  • equip health professionals to better deliver their jobs, by digital health services training, thus improving their use of computational technologies, smart devices, communication media, etc,
  • maximize potential in their employment through the recognition of skills and qualifications due to the EQF, ECVET & ECTS units,
  • construct well-stepped units of training, educational materials, work-based scenarios, guides for the VET educators as well Health services providers, such as nursing and midwifery professionals.