Transnational project meeting
for fatos2u in athens, greece


GRIPEN EUROPE participated in the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of FATOS2U -Media Education and News Literacy to yoUth against FAKE news reception and implicatiOnS – which took place in Athens on 24-25 July 2024.


The meeting was hosted by the partner organisation XENIOS POLIS (GREECE) and it was attended by representatives from each of the partners: ASDPESO (PORTUGAL), GRIPEN EUROPE (ROMANIA), Mine Vaganti NGO (ITALY) and NGO NEST Berlin (GERMANY).


During the meeting, the partners presented the results achieved so far and a fruitful discussion followed on the next steps in the development of the project results and future meetings.


The representative from GRIPEN EUROPE gave a presentation on the dissemination of the project. GRIPEN EUROPE is responsible for the dissemination of the project. More specifically, she presented the results so far and then presented the activities, tools as well as the timeline of the next dissemination activities.


With a particular focus on media literacy and critical thinking development, the FATOS2U project seeks to empower youth citizens in order to combat fake news and promote civic engagement on matters of great social concern while also strengthening democracy and opposing manipulation, propaganda, and fake news.



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